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Submissions for Glasgow Film Festival 2025 are now open.

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Glasgow Film Festival will take place 26 Feb – 9 March 2025 and we're on the lookout for the most exciting new titles. If you're a filmmaker, we want to hear from you! We are looking for features from Scotland, the UK, and around the world.

Glasgow is one of the friendliest film festivals on the planet with a wide-ranging programme that celebrates every corner of world cinema and provides a fantastic showcase for the best of Scottish film. Perfectly placed in March for spring and summer releases, GFF has launched some of the best new films to the UK's film press and cinema market.

We're offering a discounted rate to those titles with a strong Scottish connection. To find out if your film is eligible please contact

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The 20th edition of Glasgow Film Festival will take place 28 Feb – 10 March 2024, and if you are a filmmaker, we want to hear from you! We are looking for features from Scotland, the UK, and around the world.

Glasgow is one of the friendliest film festivals on the planet with a wide-ranging programme that celebrates every corner of world cinema and provides a fantastic showcase for the best of Scottish film. Perfectly placed in March for spring and summer releases, GFF has launched some of the best new films to the UK's film press and cinema market.

You can submit your film through FilmFreeway, and see our FAQs for further details.

GFF is focused on supporting Scottish talent and offers a fee discount for any project that has a strong Scottish connection. For more info please contact:

Submission Timeline

w/c 17 July - Submissions Open

25 August - Earlybird Deadline

15 September - Regular Deadline

6 October - Late Deadline

27 October - Extended Deadline

Submission Video


"All I can say what a fantastic festival. Super organise, everything communicated perfectly. Also a great turn out to both of our screenings. Thanks for choosing Jericho Ridge to do its UK festival premiere at Glasgow. We had a fantastic time."

Harvey Ascott, Jericho Ridge, 2024

"I had a lovely trip to Glasgow Film Festival, where my feature "Miss Viborg" was in competition. The communication with the festival team was excellent and they were super friendly. Every screening I went to was sold out, including my own, and the audience was incredibly active in the Q&As - so much soul!"

Marianne Blicher, Miss Viborg, 2023

"In 2022, I premiered my debut feature film Adult Adoption at the Glasgow Film Festival. The curatorial team & staff are passionate about great cinema and put on a fantastic festival. The events, the opening nights, the opportunities to meet filmmakers and distributors from around the world were excellent. This is not a massive festival where your film will get lost. It felt like our film had been chosen for the right reasons, and the team at the festival worked hard to make sure the right people saw it. I'm incredibly grateful to GFF, and would highly recommend it to filmmakers looking for an A+ festival to premiere their work at."

Karen Knox, Adult Adoption 2022

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Submission FAQS

Where can I submit my film?
All submissions are via FilmFreeway

What kinds of films are you looking for?
We accept features from all over the world. Successful submissions are sorted in to specific programme strands, including narrative features, documentary features, and Scottish features.
For more detail please visit our page on FilmFreeway.

Is there a fee for entry?
Yes, full details can be found on our website and FilmFreeway.

Can I get a waiver for my submission?
We do not offer waivers for submissions. If your submission has a strong Scottish connection, then you may be eligible for a discount. Please contact for more information.

Why do you charge entry fees?
Glasgow Film Festival operates on a modest budget; the fee we charge pays a contribution towards the cost of submission administration including fees for our submission viewers. All fees are non-refundable.

What premiere status must my film have?
All films must be a minimum UK Premiere status.

My film is online can I still enter?
Any film publicly available online is not eligible for entry.

Is there a minimum run time for documentary and feature films?
The minimum run time for features is 60 mins.
We do not accept Short Films, we recommend you check out Glasgow Short Film Festival.

How long after completion date is my film still eligible?
We accept films that are within 1 to 1.5 years of their completion date provided the meet our eligibility criteria.

Are there any awards and competitions?
There is only one film award at Glasgow Film Festival – the Audience Award. We ask the ticket-buying audience to vote on a shortlist of films from first or second time directors.

May I submit a work in progress?
Works in progress are not eligible.

My project was submitted last year, can I submit again?
You can, however we recommend you don’t unless it has significantly changed.

Who do I contact if I am having difficulties submitting my film?
Please contact us at
This account is currently monitored on a weekly basis therefore please do be patient.

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Submission Terms and Conditions

Eligibility Criteria

The Festival welcomes unsolicited submissions in accordance with the regulations.

We accept only feature films or documentaries of 60 minutes or more. We do not accept short films.

All films submitted must be considered at minimum a UK premiere i.e. cannot have been screened publicly in the UK prior to the 2025 festival.

When submitting your film please include details of any public screenings and festivals your film is being shown at before Glasgow Film Festival 2025, if known.

Films available publicly online are not acceptable.

Completion dates: projects completed after Sept 1 2023. Works in progress are not accepted.

Projects may originate from around the world. All non-English speaking films must be subtitled in English.

Submission waivers will not be granted. Glasgow Film Festival operates on a modest budget. Your fee contributes towards the cost of submission administration including dues to our submission viewers. We aim to keep the fees as low as possible.

Terms and Conditions of Entry

Entries should be submitted online via Film Freeway only. We do not accept entries by post.

Please ensure that you include a synopsis of no more than 200 words as you would like it to appear in the programme (NB: Please note that the Festival reserves the right to amend the copy submitted).

The Festival pays screening fees or alternatively a contribution towards your travel and accommodation to attend the festival should your film be selected.

By submitting your film, you agree that Glasgow Film Festival can use parts of your film (including trailer/teaser/film poster) for promotional purpose.

Successful applicants will be required to supply a film print or video master for screening at GFF25.

Acceptable formats for cinema exhibition: DCP / Digital.

If you do not have DCP, we can provide formatting services for a fee.

The cost of shipping prints must be met by the sender. The festival will pay for one-way return shipping of prints (prints can be forwarded on to another festival after their screening at GFF by prior arrangement with the Print Traffic Coordinator).

If your film is selected for the festival, we will require:
Production still photos, digital
Photo of the director, digital
Biography / Filmography
Social media handles / hashtags (if ready)
Videoclip, trailer, any assets that can be used on social media

All applicable licenses and waivers of copyrights, moral rights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights must have been secured by the filmmaker(s)

Any film submitted to Glasgow Film Festival can be re-submitted at any time for a second chance.

A screening committee determines which films shall be screened. Submissions are not guaranteed to be shown; all decisions of the committee are final.

The final selection and scheduling of films is at the discretion of the Festival Directors.

Submissions are non-refundable, Glasgow Film Festival cannot be held liable for materials lost or damaged

Unfortunately GFF cannot enter in to any discussion regarding films that are not selected for the Festival.

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28 February - 10 March 2024